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France <> Japan
Internship Program

The Internship Program for 2024 is now finished but be sure to check out this page next year for any updates!
In the meantime, take a look at the 2024 program to see what we got up to!

Follow us and our intern on our instagram!


In 2022, Ibara City held its first internship programme with ESIEA University, which is situated in Laval and Paris, France. 

The inaugural programme saw two students come to Ibara during their summer break from the university, to experience life in the Japanese countryside and learn a little about how to develop and use their skillls - both related and unrelated to their degree choices.

The conception of the programme is majorly due to Dr.  Norimichi Idehara of Tama University, Japan. Having been born and raised in Ibara, Dr. Idehara wanted to foster relations between his hometown and the wider world. Each year, he gives a presentation on Ibara to the students of at ESIEA University and touts its charm, inspiring the interest of a select few students who will later call it home for a couple of months.

With its status as a Dark Sky Community with the International Dark Sky Association, Ibara City is a place with much to offer. Internship students lucky enough to be selected will be able reside in 2 of 3 of the main regions of the city, experiencing the bustle of central Ibara, along with the beauty of the Bisei Town. 


Through volunteer host families, the students will live and breathe Japan and all of its culture. From home meals and traditional customs at home, to adventures in and around the touristic spots in Ibara at work.


The program is an excellent opportunity to learn about Japan while developing Japanese language skills and learning about what Ibara City and its people have to offer.

Green Board

Join them on their adventures!

As part of the internship program, it is literally the job of the intern to go around and experience everything that Ibara has to offer. 

So if you want to know what Ibara is like as a visitor, make sure you check out the blog series or catch the posts on our social media sites!

Denim Making 2022
Welcome Ceremony 2022
Bisei Astronomical Observatory Visit 2022
Kyudou 2022
Plastering 2022
Calligraphy 2022
Indigo Experience 2022
Sake Distillery 2022

See our previous interns!

What they had to say

"Before coming to Ibara, I imagined the town to be much smaller, with few activities and stores. What's more, I had no idea there were so many rice fields. When I came here, I realized that I'd been completely wrong! The city is much "richer" than I thought and we don't lack anything!"

Stanislas, ESIEA Paris, 2023

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