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Japanese Orchestra, Calligraphy and reaching halfway: Weeks 4&5

So it’s been a month since Guilhem arrived in Ibara City - time really flies!


Since he will soon be onto the next stage of his stay, we caught up with him to ask him about his experiences overall, now that he is more than halfway through his internship.



This week you leave your host family to move to the Pension Comet (B&B in Bisei Town). How has it been living with them?


It was really cool! I've been welcomed with open arms, and I've been able to share a lot of good times with them, whether it's during weekend outings, or at every meal. The room I was given was really comfortable. Despite the language and generational barriers that may have been present, it was very interesting for me to chat with them. It was easy to find something to talk about. I was able to sample a wide variety of Japanese cuisine, both home-made and direct from restaurants.


Do you think that there are any differences between living with a Japanese family compared to your own?


Obviously, the relationship is not the same. I realise that being hosted in these conditions requires a lot of investment and a different kind of organisation. I don't really like doing nothing in return and just being a guest. I've tried to offer my help, but on several occasions I've been turned down... It's a space that has to be respected and I'm not going to impose my presence to help them! Especially as I don't really know where everything is, the worse would be to be a burden!


Have you visited any interesting places this week?


This week I went to the music club at Ibara high school. It was the first time I'd been to a Japanese school music club, and it was a great experience. There was a great atmosphere and you could feel the commitment in their playing! They were kind enough to lend me a clarinet so I could play with them, and with a few false notes, I was able to accompany them!


Another activity was to finish the various stages of the calligraphy, i.e. to glue the calligraphy I'd made (which is now dry) onto a cardboard backing for greater durability. Alongside this, they showed me a method used for the restoration of calligraphy, involving the use of several chemicals resulting in a whitening of the paper.


Next, I was invited to an introduction to the tea ceremony, which is a ritual highly coded in its movements, each with an important meaning and significance! How you drink tea is just as important as how you make tea, though less complex. I can't make tea, but I think I've learned how to drink it!

These different activities will be developed further in blog posts, so don't miss their release!



What’s the best thing you’ve done so far?


I don't like to say that one activity is better than another, since that would be to belittle the people who have spent time explaining what they do and teaching me a bit of historical context. It's all based on my understanding, and frankly, it's still hard for me to understand everything! When you leave the basic vocabulary and get into the more technical stuff, the problems start! Lately, the activity I've been able to get most involved with has been calligraphy. It's also the activity where I've had the most time allotted!


What is the hardest thing about living in Japan?


As a "tourist" I haven't had to deal with much. I haven't had to do any paperwork, but I realise that if you can't read kanji, the difficulty increases. Learning kanji can take a little longer than learning to speak or improving listening comprehension. That's something I'll be able to focus on when I get back from Japan.



And there we have it! Guilhem will be exploring Bisei Town, a different part of Ibara for the next two weeks and we look forward to catching up with him when he gets back!


Make sure to check out his blog posts and follow the official intern account on LinkedIn and Instagram!



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