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Week 2 in Ibara!

It's our intern's second week in Ibara City, so we thought we'd catch up on how he's doing.


two men holding lantern torch traditional japanese chouchin
A traditional handheld lantern! A torch, if you will.

Read below to find out about what he has been up to!



It’s been a week! How are you finding Ibara so far? 


I think it's a really nice town. I've been lucky enough to meet local artisans and take part in local cultural activities! Having a trace of these traditions, and the opportunity to maintain them, is a great tourist opening!


What impression do you get of the city?


I had much the same feeling as in Laval. Although I haven't walked down every street in the city, the atmosphere isn't stifling (the humidity a little more so). The city isn't made entirely of concrete, which creates a good balance between tradition and modernity. The green spaces and historic buildings add an authentic touch. And the locals are very friendly and welcoming.


Have you visited any interesting places?


The Denchu museum was very interesting. Unfortunately I couldn't read all the information given on each work, but being able to look at works so freely was refreshing. From what I remember, the works in the museums I've visited in the past were all sealed under glass. Glass diminishes the depth of the works, and for sculptures of this precision that would have been a shame!


Have you eaten anything particularly good?


I'm very lucky in that aspect! The host family I am staying with cooks a wide variety of dishes, all of which are delicious. I've been able to try lots of different Japanese dishes and enjoy all the different flavours. Compared to that, natto probably isn't worth the candle any more... One flavour I particularly like is fried meat, such as Tori-kara, Katsudon or Korokke. But I wouldn't want to leave out all the other dishes I've tried!


What kind of work have you been doing so far?


My daily task, after taking part in a cultural activity, is to write a 'report' on it. Even if I don't post it on the blog straight away, I think it's an important way to share my impressions. Then I have to post photos and publish posts on social networks. This is a fairly new area for me and I had a bit of trouble getting started, but I'm working hard to improve.



That's it for now, but make sure to check out his blog posts and follow the official intern account on LinkedIn and Instagram!


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