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Calligraphy, Wild Boar and Getting Comfy in Japan:It's week 3!

Here's our weekly catch up with Guilhem!


Read on to find out how it has been for him.


@kijitora_shofukudo (Bed and Breakfast, Hunting and Wild Boar Cuisine Experience)



Week 3 already! Are you feeling settled in now?


Of course I do! I've never felt uncomfortable since I arrived. It's a fast pace, but I think I've got the hang of it.

Although the weather is still fickle, I've been able to glimpse the days getting a lot sunnier, and it's a good thing there's air conditioning in the office. This allows me to store a little coolness so I don't get too overheated too quickly when I go out to do an activity.



Do you think your Japanese has improved?


I feel I understand a bit more, but it's still complicated for me to express myself. When it's a rather closed question, I manage to answer fairly quickly, but for an open question, I find it harder to formulate an answer with the vocabulary I want to use.


Have you had any mishaps or miscommunications?


None too serious. When I realize that I've misinterpreted a sentence, I'll ask if it's possible to explain the problem word. When they suspect that the vocabulary used is complicated, they will explain in other words what it means directly.

Of course, there have been a few amusing moments when I've misinterpreted a sentence and come up with the wrong answer. But this is also the case in the opposite situation, where I'm trying to teach other people French words!



What is it like staying with your host family?


It's a great opportunity! The host family makes me feel like I'm going home, so I can recover for the next day. I can discuss with them what I've done all day, what's planned for the next few days, and what we're going to do over the weekend. All in a good atmosphere, despite the language barrier!


Have you had any interesting experiences this week?


This week, I was able to do two manual workshops, making a Taketonbo, a bamboo toy, and calligraphy.


For the Tabetonbo, we went to the medieval village of Yumegahara, a replica of life in Japan 600 years ago. All this, with craftsmen still working there. For calligraphy, I was able to take an initiation course at Senno Sanodo. Although I knew it, calligraphy is quite complicated to do! I'm already not very comfortable writing kanji with a pencil, but with a brush it was even more complicated! Still, it was a very interesting thing to do, to get an even better idea of the calligraphers' expertise.


I was also lucky enough to taste some game meat, which was delicious.

For this, we went to meet a hunter, who showed us his hunting technique, using traps. These traps are set to catch wild boar, the game he specializes in. With this method, there's no need to use a hunting rifle, as I was used to seeing in France.



Honestly I am hardly able to find a day when I didn't do something interesting!



That's it for now but check back for more updates about the Ibara Internship!



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