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The biggest event in FEBRUARY for British People is...

British Culture Pancake Day

So it’s February and for most British people that means there is a very special day coming up.

今は 2 月であり、ほとんどのイギリス人にとって、非常に特別な日が近づいていることがわかっています。

Yes. The day we all know and love…


Pancake Day!


Wait, what?


You thought I was going to say Valentine’s Day, right?


stack of 4 pancakes topped with strawberries and grapes
These pancakes I made were keto and sugar free!

Well, it’s true that Valentine's Day is also a big one, although Japan celebrates that a little differently to the West. However, putting that aside, this post is about Pancake day, since I and many other Brits love it and not many Japanese people have heard about it.


This year, Pancake Day, otherwise known as Shrove Tuesday will be celebrated on Tuesday 13th February. As you might guess, what we do on this day is exactly what it says on the tin. We make pancakes. By pancakes, usually we are referring to the simple thin crepe type, made of just flour, eggs and milk, but I know there are some who prefer the thicker, fluffier type of a scotch pancake (or hotcake in Japanese.)


Unfortunately, there are not many places in Ibara to eat pancakes. You may have luck at Joyfull or another chain restaurant that usually sells them, but luckily they aren’t hard to make at home. You can buy ready-made packs of mix at the supermarket in the baking aisle, or try your hand at the traditional recipe below.



1 cup plain flour

1 cup milk

2 eggs

薄力粉 1カップ

牛乳 1カップ

卵 2個

Oil (canola, vegetable or sunflower works best) for greasing the pan.

The recipe my family uses adds a 3 tablespoons of golden syrup and a few drops of vanilla essence for extra flavour.



Pancake with strawberries, berries and chocolate on top

You can top the pancakes with whatever you like: jam, fruits, sugar and lemon juice, chocolate spread, maple syrup, the sky is the limit! (well technically, the size of the pancake is the limit, since you are supposed to fold them like so afterwards).


How to serve and roll a pancake
Source: Emma Duckworth Bakes

It’s a quick and tasty treat, and it can be tons of fun (or a disaster) trying to flip the pancakes without using a spatula.


So now that you know, I demand you to go forth into the world and eat pancakes (on Feb 13th). Come and join the legion of Brits who will absolutely be doing the same.


Plus, it’s an excuse to eat pancakes – what’s not to love?




  • Brits = Britons = Great British Person =イギリス人 (略)

  • 〇〇は is/does exactly what it says on the tin = 何かの名前は、その特質を正確に表してる。ペンケーキの日はペンケーキを作ったり、食べたりする日。

  • Try your hand at = ~にしてみる、挑戦する、チャレンジする

  • The sky is the limit = 空は無限なので、これは限界はないという意味

  • Legion = たくさん、多く



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