Japanese Classroom
Ibara International Exchange Association
Date and Time:
From 7pm-9pm, 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month (please see the schedule for details)
Active Life Ibara, 4th Floor
Date and Time:
From 12pm-2pm 2nd Sunday of every month (please see the schedule for details)
Ibara Tourist Information Office, Ibara Train Station
Interested in Joining?
If you want to learn Japanese with experienced tutors, feel free to join our Japanese class.
There is no need to register, just turn up on the day at the below times.

Volunteer as a teacher
We are looking for volunteer teachers! Those with no experience teaching Japanese are also welcome!
We are always looking for volunteer teachers, so if you are interested, please contact the Ibara City International Association Office (in the Ibara City Hall Tourism and Exchange Division) or come and visit the Japanese language school in person.
Ibara City International Association Office
TEL: 0866-62-8850
Email: kankokouyru@city.ibara.lg.jp